Who are the end users?

EA Meadows
5 min readJul 16, 2024
Photo by Lucas Law on Unsplash

When we put together lengthy accredited courses, it’s easy to forget the end users. If too many cooks are in the kitchen, we may end up serving an unwieldy dish that’s hard for learners to digest.

Everyone involved usually has their own agenda, whether it’s ego-based, industry-based, or RTO-based. It’s the rare few who can set aside their biases and impartially examine what should be a road map — a journey, rather than just focusing on end goals and ‘bums on seats’. We all want to be compliant and meet regulations and requirements. We all want quality for a smaller budget and in faster time. The reality is, there are two groups of end users, one of which is often overlooked by many stakeholders. If neither group can make sense of or find value or enjoyment in what we are developing, then what really is the point?

Everyone has an opinion based on lengthy industry experience, knowledge, and skills forged over the flame of internal and external audits, whether in front of a class or as a learner. We all have our own journeys with education, which is why many of us have landed here.

At that initial moment when everyone is gathered around a virtual (or real) round table ‘kicking off’ this newly identified qualification that…



EA Meadows

EA Meadows is an Instructional Designer, Project Manager and quirky neurodiverse Gen-Xer who is a self-professed lifelong learner.