Top 100 Learning Tools from the Hart

EA Meadows
3 min readJul 7, 2024
Photo by Andrei J Castanha on Unsplash

Meet Jane Hart, the brains behind the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) and the online treasure trove Modern Workplace Learning 2023. With over 30 years of savvy business advice under her belt, Jane’s all about shaking up how companies approach learning. She’s not just into sprucing up training sessions but making sure learning never stops.

I stumbled across Jane Hart in a Uni video resource I had to watch recently. The focus being on workplace learning and professional development. In the interview she highlights the importance of ‘modern workplace learning’ as opposed to traditional workplace learning.

Modern workplace learning embraces self-directed, ongoing and informal learning with a bottom-up organisational approach rather than the hierarchical stale business approach of top-down. Rather than classrooms and elearning modules dictating the skills and knowledge staff should have of the organisation they are working within, learning should instead be driven by personal interest and desire for growth.

She mentions in the video how it’s fine and well to learn skills and knowledge pertinent to the job role the learner is currently in, but how does that help them once they move to another organisation? Won’t they need to repeat the process and not actually develop on the deep, growth level of personal and…



EA Meadows

EA Meadows is an Instructional Designer, Project Manager and quirky neurodiverse Gen-Xer who is a self-professed lifelong learner.