Making the connection — the right tool for the right job

EA Meadows
2 min readJul 8, 2024
Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

Many in the online learning space recognise the name Joyce Seitzinger. Apart from being an utter and complete legend, Joyce is a Digital Experience Leader in industry. Eons ago, Joyce had the initial idea of a guide unlike any other for the learning management system (LMS) Moodle.

It would go through every available tool or asset and outline:

  • purpose of the tool in the context of being part of a course
  • how easy it is to set up (from a development standpoint)
  • how useful the tool is for transferring information to learners
  • how useful the tool is for assessing learning
  • how useful the tool is for communicating
  • how collaborative the tool is — does it allow for co-creation of content?
  • which Bloom’s Taxonomy verb the tool relates to.

All wrapped up in a colour-coded table using traffic lights = green to go, amber not ideal but still functional, red doesn’t work at all.

The latest iteration can be found here:

Moodle Tool Guide

Hosted and maintained by Nicolas Martignoni, based on work on version 2 by Gavin Henrick.



EA Meadows

EA Meadows is an Instructional Designer, Project Manager and quirky neurodiverse Gen-Xer who is a self-professed lifelong learner.